It can be difficult to know where to start when you're considering a move into a rest home, hospital or dementia care home (also known as 'Age Related Residential Care' facilities).
The links below provide information on all aspects of the process including information on all the providers of this type ofcare in New Zealand.
Access to Age Related Care is by way of a formal assessment.
Waitemata aged-care gerontology nursing
- Waitemata DHB has set up a gerontology nurse specialist team to focus on the care of older people
- This means that the DHB works closely with ARRC facilities to make sure we have the right clinical support in place
- For full information visit the Ministry of Health website
Quality and Certification of Facilities

- All facilities must be certified by the Ministry of Health
- HealthCERT is responsible for ensuring each facility provides safe and reasonable levels of service for customers
- They provide access to information about certified providers of ARRC
- Visit the HealthCERT website for information
Where to start
Age Concern
Alzheimers New Zealand
Eldernet - information about services for older people in New Zealand
- Eldernet provides a list of facilities in Waitemata DHB, their contact details, plus vacancy status
- Visit the Eldernet website
- The Seniorline website is a national resource that provides free information about ARRC for you.
- It includes a 'Moving into Residential Care' booklet and a list of residential facilities in the Waitemata region
- The Ministry of Health provides information about the needs assessment for ARRC and the financial means assessment eligibility for the Residential Care Subsidy