- The security team aims to provide a safe and secure environment for patients, staff and visitors
- They patrol inside the hospital, the grounds and car parks 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- The security department also works with traffic staff, police and ambulance officers to provide added assistance should a situation occur
Access control
- All staff carry Waitemata DHB identification cards that should be visible
- To gain access to the wards after visiting times contact the ward for permission and security will be contacted to escort visitors after hours
CCTV (Security Cameras)
- For safety and protection, CCTV operates in both hospitals, outside and inside the grounds
Fire drill
- The hospital conducts fire and disaster drills regularly
- If an alarm sounds please follow staff instructions and do not be alarmed
- We recommend leaving valuables at home but a lockable drawer is available in most bedside lockers
- Ask the nurses for a key and remember to return it before you leave hospital
- We cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property kept at the bedside
Zero tolerance to violence
- The DHB has a zero tolerance attitude to violence and aggression
- If you experience violence and/or aggression nursing staff should be notified