North Shore (09) 486 8900
Waitakere (09) 839 0000

Clinical Library

Our professional clinical library provides services to:

Waitematā staff:

  • reference services utilising our large electronic and hard-copy text and journals collections
  • access to and lending from these collections   
  • support and advice with searching techniques
  • database searching  
  • document supply services
  • Endnote (and other bibliographic tools) support  
  • library is open 8.30 AM-5 PM, Monday to Friday, staff may apply for after-hours library access 
  • space for study

Students based at Waitematā services:   

  • reference services
  • space for study   
  • photocopying

These resources are accessible only to staff employed by Waitematā DHB who want access from outside of the hospital.
Please contact the Library if you have any questions.

Library Home - access to all Library resources

Library Catalogue - search for Books and eBooks


Lower ground floor, North Shore Hospital
Outreach service, Waitakere Hospital (unstaffed Reading Room Level 1, Health West Building)


p: +64 9 486 1491 extn 42534

These resources are freely accessible to health professionals and for those out in the community.

Ministry of Health - NZ information
Unite against COVID-19 - New Zealand Government site
Guideline links - guidelines from WHO, CDC and other public health organisations
WHO - Global Research on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
LITCOVID - LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus.
UpToDate - Coronavirus topic - this topic page is available for free
COVID-19 Updates and information - EBSCO resources
Coronavirus resources - Wolters Kluwer Health resources - includes links to UpToDate and OVID searches
Novel Coronavirus Information Center - Elsevier resources
Coronavirus Research Database - Proquest resources
Taylor & Francis resources - peer reviewed research available for free
Cambridge University Press - peer reviewed research available for free
Elsevier search results
Pubmed search results
Coronavirus COVID-19 Research Data - The resource list covers data sources in Australia and worldwide, protein data, genomic data, dashboards and visualisations, software, websites, open research datasets and more